Tuesday 13 October 2015

Attitude Determines Everything

How we react, what we do or say, all depends on our attitude. It determines whether we'll be happy or sad. Attitude can help, or hinder us in all areas of our lives. And we have complete control over our own attitude. We are the ones we decide how we feel, how we look at things, how we react.

If your thoughts are constantly

of doom and gloom, you will receive the same in return. You will view the world as cloudy and dismal.

Your thoughts and your perception of the world influences all that you do, and all that you are, and all that you can be. If you see the sunshine, feel the sunshine then you feel good. But if your focus is only on the clouds and the dark sky then you may find your self a bit gloomy.

For may years, I worked in a very large corporation and had the opportunity to actually work my way from the bottom of the organizational chart to near the very top. During these many years, I needed to be able to keep going even though I ran into several roadblocks. Some of these roadblocks were a direct result of my dissatisfaction with what job I was currently assigned to. In one particular case, I had to travel extensively away from home for days at a time. It wasn’t so much the aspect of travel that was the issue, or the fact that I could not do the job well, it was more that I hated being away from my family including my children. So, rather than giving in to a negative attitude about my work, I chose to ask for a reassignment despite the fact that I would be demoted. My attitude was not defeatist but one of being realistic.

Over the ensuing years, it was my positive attitude that allowed me to tackle and successfully complete and compete in many diverse assignments. On occasion, I was asked to train people as my supervisor who had less experience and knowledge. Again, I could have easily been sour or hurt to the point where I resisted doing anything helpful, or for that matter, being of any assistance whatsoever. But, not only is that counter-productive, it is also not my attitude. My attitude is to take the good with the bad and to do the best job possible despite the odds or the challenges. Instead, I not only helped train this new supervisor, I went out of my way to ensure that she was fully knowledgeable about every major issue that she would face. Bitterness is not positive to anyone especially to your own personal ethics and to your own inner spiritual health.

Changing your attitude is really changing the way you see things. To begin the change, you must start looking for the good in every situation, rather than the negative. The wisdom here is "looking for the good in every situation". And, yes sometimes you may have to look hard to see the good, but believe me it is there you just have to keep looking. And when you find it, then focus on it, keep it in the forefront of your thoughts.

So, you see the choice is yours. If we compare attitude to swimming, which are you doing?

Are you swimming - even against the currents and the waves you keep going, you see your destination and you are taking action to reach it.

Are you floating - just allowing the waves to carry you, you end up where ever the water takes you.

Are you drowning - you see the waves and the currents as difficulties you can not over come
Keeping a positive attitude will help your swim through life!

Remember the wisdom said by William James:

"The greatest discovery of my generation is that a human being
can alter his life by altering his attitude."

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